Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 4 - Kaniva to Horsham

Today started pretty much like the last three but ended up a little more interesting as the day progressed.

Before we left the motel we were told that there was a steep hill about 20 km's outside Kaniva which made Garry really happy, due to the fact he loves hills so much, so of we headed down the road towards our lunch stop Nhill looking out for this hill, like many of the hills we have gone over, this one looked rather menacing from a distance as we approached, but turned out to not be as bad as first thought although Garry decided it should be renamed Little Mt Lofty.

Garry climbing what he named Little Mount Lofty.
Unlike the last few days the wind had died down quite considerably and we were moving along at a good pace, we made it to Nhill nice and early for lunch where we met a nice elderly gentleman named Frank who sat down with us on a park bench (the Nhill seat of Knowledge the attached plaque said) while we ate our lunch, Frank told us that if there was anything we wanted to know about the town he was the man to ask and informed us he used to run a local bike shop many years ago. Like many of the people we have talked to after arriving back in Victoria Frank was quite interested in what we were doing and very kindly donated $20 dollars to our charities.

Jason and Frank on the seat of Knowledge in Nhill.
 Before leaving Nhill Frank suggested we pay a visit to the Nhill Free Press (the local town paper). Little did we know Paula, out host from the night before in Kaniva had phoned ahead informing them that we were heading their way. We spent a few minutes talking to one of the local reporters and had a few pictures taken for the paper before heading of towards Dimboola,

It was during this section that Garry started complaining about the heat, now Jason had heard many many times from Garry (who lives in Sydney) that it is always cold in Victoria so found the complaining rather amusing.

After a short break in Dimboola, we were approached by a writer from the Dimboola Banner, their local paper, she had seen us in town and was wondering what we were doing so came over to find out more, another interview and photo session later and we were once again on our way to the end of day 4, Horsham

Tomorrow we will be making our way to Ararat but first have another press interview with the Wimmera Mail Times news paper in Horsham.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear things are traveling along well. How is the brooks treating the rear ends after 4days? See you guys when your back in Ballarat.

    Andrew, Cycle City
