Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dave's ride.

I had the pleasure this morning to meet Dave Dowdle as he passed through Ballarat.

Dave is one day away from finishing his own epic bike ride across the southern part of Australia.
He has been riding solo from Perth on Australia's West coast to Melbourne after setting out on the 25th of September 2011, A total of around 4160km with an average of 150km per day.

Along the way Dave has been raising money for Mental Health Research, in particular the Mental health Research Institute (MHRI)

Dave and myself (Jason) in Ballarat.

If you are interested in reading more about Dave's ride and his experiences on the road you can visit his blog page at the link bellow.

Although his ride is nearing it's end, If you would like to support Dave by making a donation you can do so at this link:

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