We work in partnership with a network of support groups throughout the State.
We encourage research into Parkinson’s disease and co-operate with those undertaking it.
We advocate on behalf of the Parkinson’s community and strive to increase community awareness of the disease.
We look towards taking a leadership role in representing the Parkinson’s community in New South Wales and Australia-wide.
OUR VISION: A community free of Parkinson’s disease.
OUR MISSION: To enhance the quality of life to all people living with Parkinson’s disease.
• A chronic progressive, incurable, complex, disabling neurological condition.
• The four key symptoms are tremor, rigidity, akinesia/ bradykinesia and postural instability, with many secondary symptoms.
• Over 80,000 Australian’s have been diagnosed with Parkinson ’s disease.
• 10% of those diagnosed will be under the age of 40.
• Parkinson’s disease is more prevalent than prostate, ovarian or cervical cancer or leukemia
• 1 in 5 people with Parkinson’s disease are working age (15-64)
• Prevalence increasing at around 2-3% pa
For more information about Parkinson’s disease and the support services offered by Parkinson’s NSW, ring toll-free 1800 644 189 or visit http://www.parkinsonsnsw.org.au/