Sunday, November 13, 2011

Custom Bikes Update.

I managed to get down to Baum Cycles a few weeks ago and again last Friday to see how our frames were progressing, as you can see in the images bellow things are really starting to move along, it won't be long now before we have our new Baum Burke and Wills touring frames ready to build and ride.

Might not look like much yet but this box of tubes will become Garry's Baum Burke touring bike.

 A selection of frame parts for Garry's bike. 

Working out the tyre and chainring/crank arm clearances for Garry and Jason's chainstays.

 Salsa Fargo V2 touring forks.

While down at Baum I spent a little time helping to prepare our forks for our custom paint jobs, here I am masking the fork dropouts before sandblasting can begin.

 Ready to remove all of that existing paint in the sandblaster.

The finished fork for after sandblasting, next step paint.

Love the engraving on the Salsa fork dropouts, "Ride & Smile".

 Darren Baum putting the final touches on Garry's frame.

Darren doing what he does best.

A finished Baum Burke 29er touring frame, well almost, just a few finishing touches to go.
Notice the ISP Ti mountain bike frame in the background being built for another lucky Baum customer.

Garry's frame nearing completion, just a few more finishing touches to go then it's of to the paint booth for Jared to work his magic.

It's getting exciting now seeing the frames come together especialy knowing my Baum Wills is next.